Watch and Pray

"Keep watch and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak!” Matthew 26:41, NLT

The Last Supper ended. Jesus and His disciples headed to Mount Olivet. Grieving, He told them of his upcoming betrayal and crucifixion. Leaving the larger group, He took James, John and Peter to The Garden of Gethsemane to pray. He entrusted to them the most essential responsibility and privilege of a Christ-follower: prayer. Three times He handed them the torch. Three times they were found sleeping on the job. The third time, He simply let them sleep.

Today, every follower is invited to Jesus' inner circle to participate with Him in two spiritual actions: "watch and pray". Many are called but few respond by entering into a deeper walk.

"Watch" implies a need for vigilance against the enemy. We need to be alert to possible temptations or attacks so we will not enter into temptation. Satan is looking for Christ-followers who are asleep on the job. He is looking for weak spots. Jesus said, "The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." Our motives may be to live Christ-honoring lives but if we are not alert and if we leave out quality and quantity prayer time, we become prime targets. 1 Peter 5:8 tells us to be alert to the devil's possible attacks. Sleeping sheep are perfect prey for a wolf. Watch and pray so you won't enter into temptation.

Written by Becky Joie Thombs Oakes

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