Through the Fire

He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold. (Job 23:10)

God specializes in putting us in situations where only He can delivers us. That way, we can’t “thank our lucky stars” or compliment ourselves on our own cleverness or resourcefulness. Rather, we must say, “Only God could have done this.” The Lord wants to receive the glory for what He does. And He clearly says in Scripture that He will not give His glory to another (see Isaiah 42:8).

It reminds us of a man who knew something about suffering, whose very name, in fact, is synonymous with the word. I am speaking, of course, of Job. Here was a man who lost his children, his home, and everything he owned, including his health.

Job had a lot of questions, the same questions that many of us have. He said, “Oh, that I knew where I might find Him, that I might come to His seat! I would present my case before Him, and fill my mouth with arguments. I would know the words which He would answer me, and understand what He would say to me” (Job 23:3-5).

Job honestly admitted what he was struggling with. Then he added what would become a classic statement of faith: “But He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold” (Job 23:10). Job was saying, “I don’t know what’s is going on. I don’t know why God has allowed these things to happen. But I know this: when I am tested, I will come forth as gold.” That was God’s objective for Job. And it’s His objective for you, too.

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