Taking Care of Mom

“This is the resting place, let the weary rest.” Isaiah 28:12

How well I (SMD) remember the day I put my son, Ryan, then four months old, on the dressing table to change his diapers. As soon as I removed the wet garments, he made like a fountain and “initiated” the wall and a picture of Little Boy Blue. I cleaned up his mess, then left to answer the telephone. While I was gone, Ryan was struck by an attack of projectile diarrhea; he machine-gunned the nursery. I bathed him, scoured the room, and dressed him in sweet-smelling clothes. Exhausted but grateful that the ordeal was over, I affectionately put Ryan on my shoulder—and was horrified to feel him dump his breakfast down my neck!

These memories of the difficult moments of child-rearing have given me a special tenderness for moms. They need care and nurturing, too. The Lord knows that even dirt produces more bountiful crops with periodic rest (Leviticus 25:4–5). So it is for mothers. It’s a good idea, then, to regularly do something you enjoy—play tennis, go shopping, stop by the gym, or simply “waste” an afternoon. Go out on dates with Dad, invite a neighbor over for coffee, join a church Bible study or a Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) group. Most important of all, take time for quiet fellowship with the Lord. A few of these breaks in the routine will keep you fresh for the next round of diaper-changing with your little darlings.

Before you say good night…

  • Are you pushing yourself too hard? Do you need more breaks?
  • Husbands, can you help provide your wife with times to refresh?

(mother) Dear God, it’s so easy for me to fall into a frantic routine and neglect my own needs. Show me the activities and friends that You want for me, and open my heart to Your leading as I take care of my family and myself. Amen.

From Night Light For Parents, by Dr. James & Shirley Dobson

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