Successful People Know 3 Secrets

"Any enterprise is built by wise planning, becomes strong through common sense, and profits wonderfully by keeping abreast of the facts." Proverbs 24:3, TLB

Success is not a mystery. It is not happenstance. It's not arbitrary.

Those who are successful know and do three things:

1. They Plan: Successful people know it takes a plan to build anything! A plan is developed by prayerfully looking ahead – miles down the road – and working backwards by creating a step-by-step road map. If we want to build a successful enterprise – a life, marriage, family, job, ministry, department or venture – we need to determine the steps it's going to take to get there and design a plan to help us walk it out. We will not magically arrive at our desired destination without some prayerful, intentional, thoughtful, detailed, proactive planning.

2. They Have Common Sense: Successful people use common sense as they employ financial and human resources to build an enterprise. They avoid extremes and find healthy, balanced and intuitive ways to work. Some people over-spiritualize things by just "letting go and letting God" and often God does not make up the slack for our negligence and lack of common sense. We need to be led by the Spirit as we live by faith and use common sense to build!

3. They Stay On Top of the Facts: Successful people know how to stay on top of things. They are able to manage all kinds of details. They know they can't "assume" anything, but they must take the initiative to get the best information. To be successful in building and growing something, we must inspect what we expect. We must make decisions, course corrections, implementations and strategic plans according to the best and most current facts.

If success has eluded you, give some prayerful attention to these three ingredients. Spend some time with the Lord, grab a pad of paper and let the planning, common sense and facts help you get started in building a successful enterprise.

Say It: “Father, I pray for Your help! I want to be successful in the endeavors You have called me to. I want to build enterprises that prosper and bear fruit. I ask for Your divine help as I intentionally and proactively plan, use common sense and stay on top of the facts. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

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