Sometimes It’s Hard to Believe


Some days it’s hard for me to believe God’s promises in the Bible are ALL true for me!

When I feel like I’ve failed as a mom, it's hard for me to believe God never stops believing in me. When I’m feeling grouchy and no fun to be around, it’s hard to believe God doesn’t avoid me until I’m in a better mood. When I feel like I’ve blown it in the “respecting my husband department”, it’s hard to believe God doesn’t wish he had picked a better wife for JJ.

I realized the other day that when I’m having a hard time believing God’s promises, it’s because I’ve let my feelings about myself determine how I think God feels about me.

God’s promises aren’t based on my feelings – they’re based on very important FACTS – His love is patient, His love is kind, and His love never fails even when I do. Now that’s something really worth believing!

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