Soggy Self-images

But you, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head. (Psalm 3:3 ESV)

My calendar some months is overwhelming. I know I am not the only one who struggles with lack of cloning ability. Whether you are a career woman, a busy stay-at-home mom, or a productive retiree giving time to favorite charities, we can all be stretched thin.

Add daily changing hormones into the mix, and we can’t recall our children’s names some days – never mind where they are supposed to be . . . or be picked up . . . wait a minute . . . what time is it?

How many of you have ever forgotten your children? I mean flat-out forgot?

Last week, I was pleasantly surprised to find I had a rare hour of free time. I skipped merrily up the stairs to our bedroom, poured a box of dye on my head, grabbed a new magazine I had received as a gift, and then lowered myself into the tub. It was grimy, but this was my time; scrubbing could wait.

Just when it was time to rinse off the miracle making chemicals, my hubby tapped gently on the door. He was in the middle of a taxing accounting exam (pun intended) but wanted to remind me that I was supposed to be picking up Mia from work.

I jumped in the shower, threw on my ‘stay at home pants’ and my husband’s old sweatshirt, and ran . . . my soaking wet hair leaving a trail across the carpet. The sun was setting but I put on my sunglasses in an attempt to hide. Amazingly, I was only a few minutes late, (although I reeked of L’Oreal B3 and had melted mascara lines running down my face). She was a proud teen to be seen with me . . . especially when I had to leave the car to pump some much needed gas.

Ladies, we are busy. And tired. And tired of being busy and tired. I, for one, have learned to accept that there will be days when it’s okay to leave a ring or two on the tub, or a bit of hair dye un-rinsed, or to be seen looking not exactly picture perfect in order to rescue my child (because after all I am an alien here . . . and aliens are allowed to look scary).

Lord, thank you that our identity is wrapped up in you and that we can drive or walk proudly knowing that you are our shield and the lifter of our heads!

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