There are versions of the Bible – not translations – cropping up in popular culture. It's easy to be deceived. It's important to know truth so we can teach our children the truth.
We need to spend time daily examining our hearts. Are we in proper shape to be carrying the gospel message to those in need?
We have free will to put off until tomorrow all kinds of things, but what if He has a divine appointment that He is calling us to today?
As much as I’d like to run and hide from battles, there is one raging all around us every day. It’s spiritual and we are called not to hide, but to be engaged!
Lori Dixon explains the importance of identifying things that are becoming idols or non-productive time wasters in our lives. Keep from becoming too earthy minded to be of any heavenly good.
Praise God we know that we are more than conquerors and that although we may get a bit battered in the storms of life, nothing can keep us from our prize, from the only thing that matters–our relationship with Christ.