‘Snuff Said

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 5:14-16 ESV)

Have you ever worked with someone who lives to snuff you out? You know what I mean, an insecure person who is broken and instead of getting their own wick repaired, they attempt to blow out the flames of everyone around them to make their own light appear brighter? Or perhaps you live with someone like that . . . or maybe they attend your church?

I must confess – there was a time when I was a snuffer. Life had dealt me a few hard blows and I was bent out of shape and barely flickering. Being far too afraid to take a trim or two, I instead would be boastful, arrogant or even judgmental. It was an effective tool – being harsh and blowing steam at people – as it would cause their flame to dim and gave me the false impression that I was doing okay.

But that is just not right.

This is not how God designed us to function.

We need to realize that candles are delicate, soft, and easily marred. I remember leaving a homemade candle my daughter had created burning by a breezy window.  When I found it several hours later, it was lopsided, the wick was barely flickering, and a flow of wax was oozing onto the tabletop. It was a sad, misshapen counterfeit of what it once was. My daughter was deep into crafts back then so I threw it into a bin for her to melt down and use for her next creative project.

Thankfully, God too loves to rework and warm the souls of broken people. No matter what snuffers, windbags or even wet-pinchers have done to us, our lights can shine again. In fact, with more brilliance and luster for having been put through fires, storms . . . and even after being thrown away. He makes all things new . . . and He makes beautiful things out of tragedies.

Father, forgive us for being harsh and hurtful to those You created with such purpose. Help us to repent and ask forgiveness to anyone that we have tried to snuff out. Take our hearts into Your Loving Hands and repair us, molding us into beautiful, creative women that know who we are in Christ. Help us to be tender, yet strong and confident so that we can cheer those around us as we shine together to bring You honor and glory. Amen!


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