Redeeming the Time with Restoration

Listen to God's Word in Isaiah 58:12. "Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings."

God wants to bless this time with his presence, power, and purposes for you to complete the tasks concerning ancient ruins, waste places, age-old foundations of many generations, and broken down walls and gates. The people under Nehemiah rebuilt the wall in 52 days with a sword in one hand and the tools of reconstruction in the other. God will instruct you when to fight and how to use the tools of rebuilding. There is a time to fight and a time to build. Be blessed to arise and rebuild instead of criticizing the ruins and the toxic waste places. Be blessed with resources of wisdom, revelation, and truth bathed in love to be released to you and in you for rebuilding ruined lives and cities and nations.

Be blessed in God's time of restoration, taking the precious generational treasures and new strategies in his timing to rebuild the desolations of families and the devastations of many generations. In his time rebuild and restore all that he intends for your family. As you partner with him, turn the ruins into fortresses of righteousness, as Isaiah foresaw in Isaiah 58:12. Be blessed to spiritually father generations as a righteous son in the flow of God's household, storing up generational blessings for a thousand generations to come.

Be blessed in the authority that comes from intimacy with God. Connect with his heart, his purposes, and his plans. Be blessed as you partner with God to extend the kingdom of heaven on earth into every place of your authority in him. You are his expression that glorifies him in the earth. That's the power of your life now. When you are who God wants you to be, you can restore, rebuild, and renew.

God's people will rebuild the ruins, raise up desolations, and restore places long devastated. They will repair, renew, and revive ruined cities, the barrenness and emptiness of many generations. Get your eyes off what's been devastated or ruined. Do not be paralyzed by the former days. Push aside the roadblock of regret, live for the present, and move forward for the future. Your past is under the redemption of Jesus. You can call forth the blessings of restoration, well-being, and hope that God is nurturing in you. In God you are dynamic, fruitful, and life-giving. 

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