Pray for Typhoon Haiyan Survivors

“Sing to the LORD a new song... you islands, and all who live in them” (Isa. 42:10).

In the central Philippines, 14.12 million people are dealing with the aftermath of the largest typhoon to make landfall on record. Authorities report more than 6,000 people died and at least 1,800 are still missing.

More than 3.8 million were displaced from their homes. World Vision has distributed aid to nearly 163,000 people and is setting up Child-Friendly Spaces to provide safe places for children to learn, play, and emotionally recover from the effects of the typhoon.

Lord, have mercy on the people of the Philippines. Bring sufficient food and other necessities to survivors, so they don’t despair or lose hope. Reveal Your love through the tireless efforts of compassionate aid workers.

Photo credit: Jon Warren/World Vision


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