
As far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us. As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him. (Psalm 103:12-13 ESV)

My husband, Don, is a teacher and during certain weeks of a semester, our living room décor includes stacks of dog-eared tests and exams in various stages of marking. These piles used to irritate me, but now I see them as a blessing that allows him the flexibility to be at home.

One day, after dinner as I sat and worked on my laptop, he took picked up an exam and his answer key. With dreaded red pen in hand, he began to mark up the student’s hard work. As he worked his way down the page, he often muttered to himself or sometimes engaged me in discussion.

What I’ve noticed is that he knows these kids. He comments to himself or whoever is willing to listen, his concern over someone, ‘not getting it’ or others who ‘just aren’t trying’. And then, having worked his way through each question, he counted the ticks and records their marks on his excel spreadsheet, sometimes rubbing his face in frustration.

Because he cares. And yet, no matter how invested he may be in a student, rules are rules and their score is their score.

Which got me to thinking about how thankful I am that the Lord doesn’t keep score. That He doesn’t work with a dreaded red pen, but rather an eraser! He removes our transgressions and remembers them no more! How amazing is that?

Father, we thank You that You are a God of compassion. Thank You for the blood of Your Son that takes away the sins of the world. Help us to never take Your gift for granted but to continue to reverently fear You and live lives that reflect our love and gratitude for You. Amen!

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