Justified by Grace

“for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.”  (Romans 3:23-24, NIV)

Paul’s indictment of mankind is very clear when he says, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Grace (Jesus) enters in and changes everything. It is by God’s grace, (His unmerited favor and good will) that we are justified, declared innocent, acquitted and absolved from our guilt of sin.  The Bible has much to say about God’s grace and favor.  These words are used 448 times in the Amplified translation.  Webster’s defines the word “favor” as:  something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration; an act of kindness; goodwill or the state of being approved or held in high esteem; to hold or possess favor. 

I confess that I am overwhelmed by God’s grace.  I find it hard to understand why some Christians see God as an angry and stern Heavenly Father, Who sits watching and waiting to punish us for even the slightest mistake?  God showed us His ultimate unconditional love and grace by sending Jesus to die on the cross that we might be redeemed and freed from sin. Jesus chose to die for us to show us His love and obedience to God.  He took on our guilt, sins and the punishment that we deserved. He died and went to hell, so we don’t have to go.

Child of God, the next time you are feeling upset with God, disappointed that a prayer has not been answered, or upset that you are facing challenges; I suggest that you stop and remember one word, “Grace.”  By faith in Jesus, we were saved by grace and became righteous.  Jesus died on the cross that we might have life and salvation for all eternity. We were declared innocent, acquitted and absolved from sin, and washed clean by the blood of Jesus.  Remember, you have freedom, victory and eternal salvation because of His grace.  Let this truth sink in, feel the joy rise up in your heart and give God praise for His grace.


Father, thank You for Your love, mercy and grace. Jesus, the depths of Your love and grace are hard to comprehend. I thank You for Your selfless sacrifice on the cross. Through the blood of Jesus and in the name of Jesus I pray, amen.

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