I’ve Got Lots and Lots of Plans

I’ve got plans. Lots of ‘em. Truthfully, I’ve got so many that I often drive myself nuts trying to make all of them happen.

Don’t misunderstand me, there is nothing wrong with making plans. Having a clear God-given vision can increase focus and productivity. These are even principles we teach through Blueprint for Life.

I recently realized, however, that I have been living like a spiritual orphan. I have been so busy rushing around trying to make my plans happen that I haven’t stopped to ask Him what His plans are for me. So a few days ago I said, “Lord, what do you want me to do for You? What are Your plans?”

Directly following these questions, a burst of panic erupted in my heart. I was surprised by that so I thought, Okay, what’s that all about?

Then it hit me . . . if I ask God what He wants me to do, where He wants to take me, and how He wants to use me, then I have to give up control. This means I can’t just do good things, I’ve got to do God’s things, which is a teeny bit more difficult than making my own plans!  This means I can’t dream my own dreams, do my own thing, still call myself a disciple, and say Jesus is my Lord.

I am in good company with those who made their own plans. Ever since the Garden of Eden, we’ve all been living like spiritual orphans. Jonah made his own plans. Peter made his own plans. Paul made his own plans. David made his own plans. Moses made his own plans, and so did Adam and Eve. Only Jesus didn’t make His own plans.

“For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.” (John 6:38)

In Matthew 7:21-23 Jesus describes another group who make their own plans apart from Christ, and even do good things. They perform miracles. They prophesy in Christ’s name. They even cast out demons. What could be more impressive?

Even though this group does good things from the plans they make, apparently they never stop to ask Christ what He wants them to do, because He says they will come into His presence at the judgment and He will say He never knew them. Then, He will cast them away from Him.


So it’s not making plans and doing great things that’s most important. Knowing the One you serve, and serving the One you know is the main thing.

This can be a tough pill to swallow, especially since we’ve believed the lie that it’s about making our dreams come true, and fulfilling our purpose. It’s about what makes us feel happy and fulfilled.

This morning I felt the Lord give me these words: “You cannot produce any fruit that will last apart from Me (John 15:4). This is My world. It’s My show, and it all belongs to Me. When you understand that you are here to serve Me, you will be set free from the burden that serving yourself creates.”

Matthew 7:21-23 is a sobering reminder that Christ calls His disciples to truly follow Him, to know Him and to serve Him, not just to do good things. Will you keep this in mind today as you pursue your calling and purpose?

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