Hi Ho, Hi Ho…It's Off to Work I Go

A recent study revealed that 50 percent of Christians have never heard a sermon on work; 70 percent have never been taught a theology of work or heard a sermon about vocation. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that Christians have many different perceptions about work.

Some love what they do; others detest the idea of work and daydream about winning the lottery, so they’ll never have to work again. Others identify with the sentiments in songs and pop culture expressions:

  • “Take this job and shove it; I ain't working here no more.”
  • “I don’t want to work; I just want to bang on the drum all day.”
  • “I’m taking what they’re giving ‘cause I’m working for a living.”
  • “Hi ho, Hi ho…it’s off to work I go.”

If your main career goal is to reach a life of leisure at retirement or if work is something you suffer through to get to the weekend, I encourage you to take a deeper look at why God created work.

Colossians 3:23-24 says, “Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men; knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of inheritance.  It is the Lord Christ who you serve.”

When you recognize that you are working for the Lord, there can be profound results.  If you could see Jesus as your boss, would you try to be more faithful in your job?  The most important question you need to answer every day as you begin your work is this: “For whom do I work?”  The answer is: You work for Christ.

Work is not merely a task designed to earn money. Your actions, attitudes, and work ethic should reveal Christ to your co-workers. Your faith should be evident. Regardless of whether you work at home, on an assembly line, or in a corporate office, your job can be your greatest platform to be a witness and light for Christ. Outside of your immediate family, you have more opportunity to influence others in the workplace than anywhere else.

I hope you are encouraged to view your cubicle and corner of the world as a place to make Jesus famous. People everywhere need Jesus. God has designated you as a “minister” at your place of employment.  After all, you are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14).

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