God Sees and Hears and Acts

It was my privilege to teach in a high school for two years. How different the classroom looks from the front! When I was a student, slouching down low in the back seat in the corner, I thought the teacher wouldn’t be able to see me dozing, doodling, or doing other homework. Ha! You can see everything from the front.

Sinful mortals sometimes assume that God must not be tracking what’s happening on the surface of planet Earth. Perhaps they fear that the wicked are getting away with murder. Perhaps they fear that their own needs go unnoticed by a distant deity.

Au contraire. “When you pray, go into your room, close the door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you” (Matthew 6:6). God’s ability to monitor details of earthly life is staggering. The Bible says that he has counted every hair on your head and that no sparrow can fall from the sky without God being aware of it and granting permission.

Wherever you live, wherever you go, no matter the trouble, your God can see what’s happening in your life. Whether you speak, sing, whisper, or think your prayers, your God can hear them all. Messages sent—messages received. Always.

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