Do You Understand God's Plan?

"At this, some of his disciples said to one another, “What does he mean by saying, ‘In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me’ …We don’t understand what he is saying." John 16:1718


When we are faced with the problem of pain, how we respond can determine our outcome. And when it comes to understanding God’s purpose in pain, too often our reaction is all mental. In other words, we experience psychosomatic Christianity. Our understanding of God and His plan is all in our heads, but He’s not in our hearts. 

When you face pain in life, do you try to see it from God’s perspective with an understanding that He can use all things to help you? Or do you try to rationalize your situation, missing a greater purpose that He has for you through your circumstances?


In the face of pain, pray that God would help you adopt the attitude of Christ, rooted in trust, and not an attitude of the world, which is rooted in works, doubt, and unbelief.


One of the greatest challenges we face in our walk with Christ is the ability to trust God when we are in pain. However, it is never too late to start a relationship with Christ and begin the journey of trusting God in spite of the pain. Be sure to be at church this weekend, and together with Christ, begin to head in a new direction.  

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