Deceptive Distractions

Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out. (Proverbs 10:9 ESV)

I watched a video on Facebook the other day where someone took an extra-large coffee from one of my favorite coffee chains and slowly poured it into a large cup from the same company. I watched fascinated as I typically have always bough the extra-large steeped tea and so felt personally vested in the outcome. It almost measured exactly the same. I had been paying forty cents more for the same volume just in a taller cup?

Feeling duped, I watched the video again, this time with a keen eye. The cups were doubled and I realized that there could have been a smaller cup placed in the taller cup as the bottom was never shown on the shot. Sure enough, once challenged, the person admitted to the scam – but not until he had gotten his fifteen minutes of social media fame.

Coffee is only coffee (I know I can’t believe I just said that either) but in reality there are times when we can be really hurt by deception – deeply. But the Word says that they will be found out. Take those hurts to the cross and know that He is just and He sees.

Father thank you for your Holy Spirit that helps us to discern what is true and what is not. Help us to forgive those who try to fool us and to trust that you will ultimately hold them accountable. 

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