Bubbling Over

“May the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be overflowing (bubbling over) with hope.” (Romans 15:13, AMP)

I’m drawn to the phrase, “bubbling over with hope.” Have you ever wondered why champagne is served at weddings, graduations, and anniversary parties as friends and family come together to celebrate and express their joy, excitement, and hope for the future? When you open a bottle of champagne, the pressure inside causes it to bubble over. It does the same thing if you pour it too quickly into the glass. My mind always thinks in terms of images, and I imagine God presiding over the wedding, opening and pouring the first glass of champagne for the new bride and groom and smiling as it bubbles over. 

I’ve come to realize that God does that often – He pours into our lives until we bubble over. He pours His love and compassion until we bubble over. He pours His mercy and grace until we bubble over. He pours His forgiveness until we bubble over. He pours His perfect will and plans for our life until we bubble over. He pours peace (prosperity and abundance) until we bubble over. He pours favor until we bubble over. He pours His faithfulness until we bubble over. On the cross, Jesus poured the blood of reconciliation, redemption, restoration, healing, and deliverance to cover us until we bubble over. 

Child of God, ask yourself, “When was the last time I invited God to be the Guest of Honor in my life? When was the last time I cast all of my cares on Him and placed my hope and trust in Him? When was the last time I asked God to wash away my sorrows and fill my heart with His perfect love?” I encourage you to invite Jesus into your life today. Celebrate your new life in Him with excitement and hope for the future. Surrender your life to Him and watch as He fills you with peace, joy and hope until you are bubbling over! 

Lord, thank you for pouring your perfect love into my life. Jesus, your love and grace fills me to the point that I bubble over. I invite you to fill me with joy, happiness, and your perfect peace today and always. Through the blood of Jesus and in the name of Jesus I pray, amen.


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