Job 38: 16

Have you journeyed to the springs of the sea or walked in the recesses of the deep?

God is such a BIG God that our brains cannot completely comprehend His greatness. HE is the Creator of all things. He formed the oceans, the stars, the sun, and the mountains- He created life, for all animals and man. Why then, do we not trust such a mighty and awesome God?  He is worthy and deserving of our praise. As Christians, we should never cower or be anxious about what the future holds; our future is secure in Christ.  Our anxiety and worry is pointless. It is a waste of our time and energy. Think about how much time you are wasting when you worry. Does your worrying ever change your circumstances? NO. Take that worry and your anxious thoughts to God and lay them at His feet.  Ask God to give you a peace that will carry you through this difficult time.

Start today by noticing the sun, stars, the mountains and oceans, and realize how BIG your God is. Look into your child’s face and try to comprehend that God is the Creator of that beautiful child. Think about the depths of the oceans and remind yourself that the God you love and serve has walked there. 

Prayer: Father, You are amazing!  I do not comprehend all of Your grandness, but today Lord, I want to declare that You are sovereign, holy, almighty and righteous. God, if and when I become anxious, remind me that no problem is too big or too small for You. Gently remind me on a daily basis of Your greatness.  

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