Are You Interruptible?

When Jesus was alone praying, his disciples came to him, and he asked them, ‘What do people say about me? Luke 9:18, CEV

I’m in the middle of writing this devotional, but hang on, someone’s interrupting me again. Grrrrr.

How interruptible are you?

“Interruptability” is one lesson I know Jesus is training me in. Take an idealistic vision of a smooth day, add two children, several phone calls, a couple of broken toys, one overworked husband, work deadlines, a variety of spills, complaints and mistakes, and you’ve got my day in reality. It may remind you of yours!

Sometimes I think the quality of my love is exhibited by my reactions to people and events that derail my schedule. Sobering indeed. My heart hurts to think of numerous times I have failed to see what truly matters. Most often, what truly matters involves being safe for someone else’s heart.

I know Jesus is sensitizing me to my shortcomings in this area, because my own heart really hurts when I remember the looks on my children’s faces when I tell them I need to get something done—we’ll play later. I had just given them the past twenty minutes of “my” time—wasn’t that enough? Sometimes no, it isn’t enough for their young, impressionable spirits. And how about making time to sit with my husband and listen to his needs?

Jesus was safe for people’s hearts. Just look at His response to being interrupted in Luke 9:18. He didn’t gripe or give His disciples a “smile” that registered dismay instead of a welcome. He lived the life God gave Him between many interruptions.

I can’t help noticing His question to them and asking the same thing of myself. What do my responses to interruptions say about me? What feelings do those responses instill in others who come to me with real needs?

Above all, Lord, help me care for their hearts and trust You to care for mine.

FAITH STEP: Priority one on the agenda today: Look for ways, within the interruptions, to care for someone’s heart.

Contributed by Erin Keeley Marshall



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