A Wise Heart

"She handles her resources well.  She is a good steward of time, energy and money" (Proverbs 31:16).

As coaches, we administrate all kinds of resources, such as equipment, time, facilities and money, to name a few. While all of these commodities are important and our stewardship of them is critical to maintaining excellence in our program, our most precious natural resource is our players. 

We are accountable to God, our athletes and their families, for how effectively we manage these priceless assets. One of the most common human resource offenses we commit is misuse of our players' time. As demanding coaches, we often work our teams harder and longer, expecting a better return for our investment.  We continually raise the performance bar because of our competitive nature and our coveted "win at all cost" agendas. More is not always better!  We must remember that we are partnering with our players, not lording it over them. 

Proverbs 16:21 (NIV) says, "The wise in heart are called discerning... "

Are you an offender? I know I am!  Are you always demanding more from your teams, squandering these human resources?  By constantly escalating the intensity of our workouts and the hours in the gym, could we be harming youthful athletes physically, mentally or emotionally? 

With better planning and more thoughtful care we could look out for the valuable time and energy of each daughter in our program. No girl is expendable for our short-sighted, temporal success. Proverbs 16:21 (NIV) says, "The wise in heart are called discerning. "


Lord, I need a wise heart so that I can discern how to steward my most valuable resource, my athletes.  Remind me that each daughter in my care is precious!  She is not the property of my program nor a commodity to be consumed!

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