There's no kinda, sorta or maybe with God. If goodness is not the genuine fruit of the Spirit, then it's an evil imposter.
"Everyone wants to be a winner, but for me, the true meaning of winning is having Jesus in my life" - Kaka (Brazilian Soccer player)
As much as competitive archer Jacob Wukie wanted to compete in the Beijing Olympics, he was content in knowing that God was in control and that he'd done his best.
By the time she was 18, snowboarder Kelly Clark had accomplished everything she had set out to do: she had money, fame, and an Olympic gold medal. But the thrill was gone.
Jinelle Zaugg Siergiel, forward of the U.S. hockey team, talks about her faith, overcoming shoulder surgery and having the opportunity to play in the 2010 Olympics.
Have you made it a priority to find friends who will encourage you to grow in your faith? Olympic swimmer Missy Franklin has, and it has made all the difference.