A Cord of Three Strands

Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken (Ecclesiastes 4:11–12, TNIV).

When I was single, I struggled powerfully. Almost all my friends had significant others. They didn’t make me feel unwanted, but I saw how close they were to their boyfriends, and how those guys had become their best friends. While I had several friends, I couldn’t say that any of them was my best friend. I didn’t have enough in common with them, and they didn’t understand that deepest part of me. I thought a boyfriend, someone who loved me and who completed me, would be able to touch that part of me and make me feel accepted and whole.

I didn’t realize how wrong I was, and I suffered for years, looking for the right person, asking God why He wouldn’t send him to me. I finally realized He didn’t send me a boyfriend because He wanted me to find that deep connection with Himself.

I was too caught up in finding a man to meet my needs, rather than relying on Jesus Himself. After all, that’s the reason He died for me—to have that close connection with me, so that I would abide in Him and He in me. I needed to discover how to draw closer to Jesus, to allow Him to fill that God-shaped hole inside my heart.

And once that happened, Jesus led my future husband to me. And now the three of us are a cord of three strands.

FAITH STEP: Are you struggling with singleness right now? My prayer for you is that you will draw ever closer and tighter to Jesus. If you’re married, my prayer is that you will draw closer to both Jesus and your spouse so that you will be a cord of three strands.

Written by Camy Tang

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