"She spares nothing that is within her power that would bless her players" (Proverbs 31:14).
It's one thing to find a few sweet ways to show benevolence toward my players, but it's another thing to completely restructure my coaching paradigm in order to bless them.
By remaking myself, doing something that costs me personally, I could be seen as vulnerable, weak, or even crazy. We coaches often act as ruling kings and our athletes serve at our whim. But in God's economy, my athletes don't serve me, I serve them.
Remember the scene where Jesus is washing his disciples' feet? He was giving them a powerful picture of a servant leader. This type of humble leader seeks the good of others by serving and blessing them. When I bestow favor on my team in this fashion, I'm not only strengthening God's eternal impact on those individuals, but I'm learning the way of Christ-like love.
Matthew 16:25 (NASB) says, "For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it."
We need to search our hearts, listen to our savior's voice, and discover unique ways to bless our young athletes. We can find so many avenues of extending God's favor to them, and athletics is the perfect conduit because it connects to the whole person, emotionally, physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. We can truly be the hands and feet of Jesus, putting flesh and bone to the supernatural power of the gospel.
St. Francis of Assisi said, "Preach the gospel at all times, and if necessary use words."
Lord, I want to lose my life to find it! Help me to lay aside my long-cherished agendas for the sake of blessing others, so that they too can find true life in You.