Your Twenties Matter

For most of us, our twenties are something to get through. We graduate college, get out of the armed forces, start an opportunity to learn a craft – but we’re so unstable we just want to get to age 30. For some reason, we think when we get to 30, we’ll be all grown up and life will fall into place.

According to our culture, 30 is the new 20.

A new book by psychologist Meg Jay has us rethinking some of these assumptions. In her book, The Defining Decade, Dr. Jay points out that most of us are shaped, formed and forever impacted by the decisions we make in our twenties. These decisions, sadly, are made 1. without intention and 2. with no eye toward the future.

But what if we changed that?

What if we – especially the church – recognized the value and importance of young adults in their twenties and put together a process to help them maximize the opportunities you have in your twenties (and never have again in your life)?

For instance, what if when you turned 20 (or graduated college, completed your enlistment, etc.), the church put you through an intentional process of self-discovery, self-development and life skills?

The process could include:

  1. Opportunities for travel and service.
  2. Working with a mentor in your chosen career
  3. Financial planning
  4. Healthy lifestyle (nutrition and exercise)
  5. The essentials of discipleship
  6. Relationship issues (how to handle anger)

So that, after two or three years, you will have a life plan built around your personality, passion and giftedness?

Whatever we do, I’m convinced churches must move boldly to retain these valuable years of our young adults.

What about you?

Do you think the church needs to rethink how to approach young adults in their twenties?

What would your process include?

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