“You’re So Innocent!”

Have you ever been made fun of for being so innocent?

I have.

Innocence isn’t something our culture values.

But God does.

The other day I read a verse I’d never noticed before,

“I want you to be wise as to what is good and innocent as to what is evil” (Rom. 16:19).

Interesting, huh? We get that mixed up. We tend to be wise about evil but innocent about good.

If your friends find out that you’re innocent about something evil, they’ll likely laugh incredulously, “She doesn’t know about ______?!”

Innocence about evil is not a curse. It is a gift.

They’ll be more than happy to fill you in on all the dirty details. But even if they don’t, it’s easier than ever to learn about evil. All you have to do is pull up Google, and you’re a couple clicks away from moving from innocent to world-wise just like that.

So . . . will you?

A Word to Innocents:

I know you can feel like an outsider when your friends start talking and laughing about something you know nothing about. The fact is, you are an outsider. But that’s a wonderful thing! If you belong to Christ, you’re new now. Different. You belong to another kingdom. A far better one. Don’t try to fit in with the darkness; walk as a daughter of light. Never think your innocence about evil is a curse. It is a gift. Keep guarding your eyes and mind!

A Word to the World-Wise:

If you’re already “world-wise,” is it too late for you? Not at all! Ask God to make you as curious about “good” and right living as you’ve been about evil. Stop making fun of those who are more innocent than you. Don’t try to “help” them anymore by filling them in on evil. Be transformed by washing your mind with Scripture (Rom. 12:2).

A Word to Youth Leaders:

Several years ago, I asked a young woman if she thought I needed to know certain “worldly” things in order to effectively minister to teens. She said I didn’t and encouraged me to continue to seek to know the Word of God above all. How grateful I am for her wise advice. I am not aware of any ministry opportunities I have lost as a result, and there are so many dirty thoughts I don’t have to battle as a result.

Would you consider yourself innocent or world-wise? What is one thing you can practically do this week to pursue being “wise as to what is good”?

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