
Luke 12:25

Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

We worry in vain.  Our worry only causes sleepless nights, dark circles under our eyes, and more gray hair.  But, it’s our job as a mom to worry, right? That is a sign of being a good mom—the more you worry, the better of a mom you are, right?  Wrong!  Worry is a sign of a lack of trust in God. Our worrying doesn't change anything, it only makes us tired—so place your tired and weary soul into God’s very capable hands. 

If you are worrying about your child’s health, can you change your child’s health?

If you are worrying about your child’s grades, can you change your child’s grades?

If you are worrying about your child’s rebellious heart, can you change his/her heart?

If you are worrying about your marriage, does worrying change your marriage?

If you are worrying about your finances, does worrying change your finances? 

The answer to all those questions is, "no."  Then, why do we worry?  We worry because it makes us feel like we are “doing” something.  So then, let us do something that will make a difference. Take your worries and lay them at God’s feet.  Cry out to God about your child’s health, grades, rebellious heart.  Cry out to God about your marriage or your finances.  God is listening.  Jesus said, (Luke 12:32) “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.”


Father, I do worry.  I am sorry for that.  I didn't really realize that while I was trying to control my circumstances or find an answer to my problem, I was not trusting in You.  God, I know it is You that has all the answers.  Thank you.  The Bible says it is simple, even still, my brain likes to make it so complicated.  Help me to live a simple life—a life without worry—a life that trusts in You for all things.  

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