
Why Are We Here?


Why are we here? God did not leave the big questions of life open for guesses and speculation. In this text, Ronnie Floyd reveals the answer through scripture.

In recent years, scientific discoveries have advanced at a remarkable rate. Technology has advanced to the point we can hold in our hand computers as powerful as used to fill entire rooms. Information spreads at a speed never imagined by our forefathers. We are but a few years away from private space travel, where consumers will be able to experience spaceflight for the cost of a ticket.

In spite of this illustrious and often mind-boggling progress, many people realize science is ill equipped to answer the basic questions surrounding our existence: Why are we here? Is there meaning to life beyond the physical? Is there anything beyond this life?

Those who look only to science, who limit the acceptable range of answers to materialism, and who deny any possibility of a spiritual realm, are limited in their responses. “There is no reason why we are here,” “The only meaning to life is what we make,” and “There is nothing beyond the life” are about the only answers they can offer.

Followers of Jesus can offer solid, biblically based answers to this question. God did not leave the big questions of life open to guesses and speculation. When someone asks, “Why are we here?” God provides the answer.

The universe came to be because God said, “Let there be…” Before that burst of creative energy, the stars, sun, planets, plants, and animals existed only in the mind of the Creator. Before matter, there was God. One writer said it this way, “God spoke the universe into existence. At least nine times in Genesis 1, you will find, ‘God said.’ These two words emphasize God’s awesome power. He has the ability to command nothing to become something.”1

That God created everything is important, but that alone does not tell us why we are here. Why is there a human race?

The Bible gives us enough insight to know at least three reasons He created us: to know Him, to have a relationship with Him, and to be stewards of the earth.

1. To Know Him

Jesus said in John 17, “This is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and the One You have sent – Jesus Christ” (v. 3, HCSB). From the moment of creation God’s intention has been that we know Him. The heavens declare His glory and the Bible reveals Him to us. He wants to know us.

2. To Have a Relationship with Him

God also wants to be in relationship with us. In the prayer commonly called “The Lord’s Prayer,” Jesus revealed to us that we should address God as Father. God is not only the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, He is our Father as well. “Whenever you pray, say: ‘Father, Your name be honored as holy’” (Luke 11:2, HCSB). Addressing God in this way reminds us that we are in a relationship with Him. He is Lord and Master, of course, but He is also Father.

3. To be Stewards

Last, God has given us the responsibility to steward all He created and placed on this earth. This responsibility was given to Adam and passed along to us. The Bible says, “The LORD God took the man and placed him in the garden of Eden to work it and watch over it” (Genesis 2:15, HCSB). The Bibles call’s Christ’s followers managers (1 Cor. 4:1, 2) and Jesus often used parables in which managements or stewardship was the theme.

There is a purpose to our existence; life is not meaningless or arbitrary. We exist to know God, to be in relationship with Him and to manage His possessions until the return of Christ. What an awesome privilege that God cares about us.

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