Who is Following Whom?

Have you heard the saying "If you want to know if you're a leader, turn around and see if anyone is following you"? For servant leaders, the saying takes a slightly different twist.

We aren't looking for followers for ourselves; our role is to point people to Jesus as the leader worth following. As we follow Jesus, we invite others to join us on the journey, and we keep pace with them so they don't get left behind. Who are you leading to follow Jesus?

"Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” At once they left their nets and followed him (Mark 1:17-18).

Prayer: Jesus, when I am tempted to make followers for myself, remind me that You are the only one with the power to transform lives. Show me those whom You are calling to follow You, and help me keep pace with them so that they can find their way to You. I pray in Your name, amen.

Written by Debbie Piper

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