Where You Can Go to Have Every Need Met

And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

Several years ago, our church did an outreach project in our community where we distributed clothes and food to people in need. There was one man who came in and told us, “I’m looking for some work boots. Do you have any?”

“I’m sorry, sir,” one of the workers told him. “I don’t think we have any work boots.” So she walked with the man over to the shoes area, and they searched for a bit. And what do you know, they found one pair of work boots that were just the man’s size.

The man began to weep with joy. And what he said next made everyone there weep too. “My boss said that if I didn’t have any work boots by tomorrow, I was going to be fired. I didn’t have any money to buy them, so I prayed yesterday that God would provide for me, and He has!”

God is a faithful provider. He will never, ever fail to provide for your every need if you cling tightly to Him. So whether you find yourself in need today or in abundance, trust in God to continually meet your every need. He’ll never let you down!

Whether you're in great need or abundance, trust in God to meet every need you have! 


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