Where to Start

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15).

If you’re new to Bible study, begin studying in the New Testament. The Bible is a unique book. It’s best not to begin at the beginning, but in the middle, with the story of Jesus. We can’t really understand the Old Testament until we first understand Him.

Jesus initiated the new covenant (New Testament) when He observed the Lord’s Supper the night before His crucifixion. But the old covenant (Old Testament) all points to Him. It has thirty-nine books; the first five are called the Torah (books of Mosaic law and the origins of the human race and the nation of Israel). The next twelve are called the Historical Books, telling about the history of ancient Israel. After that, you come to five books that are called the Poetic Books. Then you come to the seventeen Prophets. When you read the old covenant, think BC—before Christ.

But with the new covenant—think AC—after Christ. It introduces the life of Jesus in the four Gospels and the beginning of the church in Acts. Then come letters to early churches on what we believe as Christians and how we should live. And it ends with Revelation and the events around Jesus’ second coming and the end of this age.

The Bible begins in a garden and ends in a city—and what a great city! Here’s the key: Start with Jesus, and when you read, ask God to speak to you. After all, it is His Word.

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