What to Do with Weakness

For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.  Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need—Hebrews 4:15-16.

I hate to admit it, but honesty demands it: I have a weakness when it comes to sweets.  I just love a good dessert.  And I love to run it back for round two.  I think to myself, Surely that second piece of pie would taste even better than the first piece… especially if I add a little ice cream this time. 

One year, my dear friend Louis got me a tee shirt for Christmas.  It simply said, “I Beat Anorexia.”  He still laughs over that gift.  He knows how much I like to eat, and how weak I am when it comes to saying no to the dessert menu.     


Let’s face it.  Weaknesses are something none of us like… but all of us have.  Our weaknesses are not the same.  Some are weak when it comes to food, whereas others are weak when it comes to worry and fear, or anger and control.  Still others are weak when it comes to the lust of the flesh, or the desire for material things.    

Whatever your weakness, I’ve got good news: The Lord Jesus can sympathize with it.  He doesn’t excuse it… but He understands it because He was tempted to the nth degree “in all things as we are.”  The only difference between Him and us is that He never succumbed to the temptation. 

And because He never sinned, He is our perfect sacrifice who made a way for us when there was no way for us to draw near to Holy God.  He tore the veil in two when He died for us on the cross.  Now the throne room of heaven is wide open, and we can get close to God and receive His grace to help us in our area(s) of weakness. 


The devil is a master at pointing out our weaknesses and sins.  He will tell us, “You can’t come before God.  Look what you did!”  But he is a liar and the father of lies.  The truth is that we can come straight to God’s throne of grace if we come with brokenness and humility.  He will receive us, cleanse us, and pour out His grace (His undeserved favor and power) to help us in our time of need.  He is a good God who knows us backwards and forwards… and loves us still, even when we fall and fail. 

Take time today and every day to thank the Lord for His unfailing love.  Make your way to the throne of grace on a regular basis, so that you can receive His grace and power to stand strong.  You and I cannot make it without Him.  So let’s quit trying and start trusting, and take God at His Word. 

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