What If?

What if …

  • that huge problem you’re facing today is really just a minuscule, barely noticeable blip on the timeline of eternity?
  • that debt that’s swallowing you is vastly overshadowed by the provision God has stored up for you, waiting for the most opportune moment, in response to your faith?
  • that illness really isn’t your undoing but is a platform for God to reveal something extraordinary about himself to you?
  • that seemingly broken relationship isn’t nearly as beyond repair as you think it is, in light of the grace and reconciliation God offers and the power of his Spirit to move hearts?
  • it’s never too late to recover what was lost?

All of these “ifs” are true, in one way or another, through the gospel—the “good news”—of God’s kingdom. All promises are “yes” and “amen” in Christ (2 Corinthians 1:20). According to that verse, what’s left for you to do?

You have to speak the “amen.” In other words, you have to agree with it. In even other words, you have to bathe yourself in hope and never let the scent of it fade away.

Far too many people accept the negative answers to “what if.” Choose the positive ones because they have been promised by someone who is extremely faithful.

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