What Are You Waiting For?

The verse caught my attention. Joshua was speaking to seven tribes of the Israelites:

How long are ye slack to go to possess the land, which the Lord God of your fathers hath given you? Joshua 18:3b

Did you catch that? These seven tribes had an inheritance given to them by the God of the Universe, but they were hesitant to take it. What were they waiting for?


Sometimes I get frustrated with the children of Israel. They doubt God, break their promises, and compromise with their enemies. Then I take a look at my life, and realize I’m not that much different.

I may not have to wage war with a physical enemy to claim the ‘Promised Land’ God has for me, but there are still obstacles I have to overcome. When the journey seems to be an up-hill climb, I begin to lose hope, question God and look for an easier route. Sound familiar?

Keep moving

Time to regroup, evaluate, and continue moving ahead. I like Joshua’s spunk. He questioned why they hesitated. He didn’t spend time sympathizing with these seven tribes; instead, he outlined a plan that would help them receive the inheritance God had for them.

Joshua chose three men from each of the tribes to go and survey the land and bring back a full report to him. Once accomplished, he could divide the land into seven parts and allow the Lord to direct each tribe to the land they were to possess.

Instead of seeing the job as impossible to accomplish, Joshua broke it down into manageable tasks these tribes could handle. What a great idea!

3 Steps to get where you’re going

These same principles can be applied to my life when I don’t know how to navigate the road in front of me. The book of Hebrews puts it this way:

…let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us…Hebrews 12:1

Instead of focusing on the reasons I can’t move forward, I’m to put off the things that weigh me down and avoid slipping into sin.

…and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Hebrews 12:1

I need to realize this is a long-distance marathon, not a sprint. Relying on the power of the Holy Spirit will give me the endurance I need.

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; Hebrews 12:2a

Rather than getting side-tracked by obstacles and enemies, my job is to stay focused on Christ who will help me reach my ‘Promised Land.’

Your turn

Are you staring at life’s difficulties wondering how to move ahead? Will you keep your eyes on Jesus and let Him lead you step by step to your ‘Promised Land’?

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Thank You for the lessons You teach me in Your Word. Forgive me for doubting You and not moving forward with the plan You have for me. Give me grace today to lay aside the things that slow me down. Help me run with patience and keep my gaze on You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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