
What Are You REALLY Thankful For?


An easy way to discern what a person cares about deeply is to pay attention to the things they talk about.

I have been asking myself a question for years that I’d like to ask you.

How much do you have to believe something before you talk to someone about it?

Seriously.  That question is a great grid for determining how deeply you believe in an idea or a principle or a person.

Pause for a moment and think about it. You would likely never talk to a stranger downtown in a big city—unless you lost your child and can’t find them anywhere.  Suddenly, you’ll talk to anyone who will listen and help.

You probably wouldn’t talk to a person who lived in another neighborhood that you’ve never met, unless you saw their house on fire. Suddenly, it changes everything. You would gladly find a way to intrude and warn them.

The reason you would talk to those people is because you feel strongly about your child and about the safety of people. That is a conviction in your life. Convictions are deeper than ideas or opinions. They are strongly held beliefs that you take action for, and perhaps would even die for.

A way to discover what some really cares about is to ask the question: What have you been talking about recently that expresses my gratitude?  Without thinking and saying a politically correct answer, just listen to those around you when they are speaking off the record. This is the way you discover true gratitude.

I am thankful for a number of things. My relationship with God. My passion for students. My family. The team at Growing Leaders. The importance of building healthy leaders.  So, I talk about them and I act.

What are you talking about these days?  


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