


Have you ever tried to comprehend how vast God really is?

Try now to absorb the many Biblical attributes, roles, and names of Christ compressed into the following sentences. Read and be humbled.

Christ has under his feet all things.

Christ is a gift, a consuming fire and a fortress, a God of miracles and a just keeper, a hammer and a living stone, a man and a mediator, a messenger of the covenant and a secure stone, a stranger and a sweet savior, a tower of strength and a polished arrow in the quiver.

Christ is majesty, approved of God, equal to God, God’s beloved son, God’s hand, God’s king, king eternal, king of glory, king of kings, Lord, Lord God and Lord of Lords.

Christ is abounding and blessed, bruised and compassionate, enduring and eternal, exalted and excellent, faithful and forgiving, forsaken and full of grace, glorious and good, gracious and great, heartbroken and heavenly, holy and human, humble and immutable, infinite and invisible, jealous and kind, long suffering and lowly, measureless and meek, merciful and mighty, necessary and new, near and obedient, omnipresent and omniscient, patient and perceptive, perfect and persecuted, praiseworthy and precious, pure and rejected, rejoicing and rich, righteous and risen, self-sufficient and sovereign, steadfast and strong, suffering and sufficient, tender and transcendent, transfigured and triumphant, true and undefiled, unchangeable and unchanging, understanding and unsearchable, wounded and wrathful, wise and wonderful.

Christ is rivers of living water, life and light, soap and spirit, manna and unleavened bread, victory and wisdom, truth and love.

Christ is YHWH (Yahweh), our Adonai (master or Lord) and our Elohim (strength or power), our El-Shaddai (Almighty) and our Emmanuel ("God with Us"), our Jehovah-Elyon ("the Lord Most High") and our Jehovah-Jireh ("the Lord Will Provide"), our Jehovah-M’Kaddesh ("the Lord Our Sanctifier") and our Jehovah-Nissi ("the Lord Our Banner"), our Jehovah-Raah ("the Lord My Shepherd") and our Jehovah-Rapha ("the Lord Who Healeth Thee"), our Jehovah-Sabbaoth ("the Lord of Hosts") and our Jehovah-Shalom ("the Lord of Peace"), our Jehovah-Shammah ("the Lord Present") and our Jehovah-Tsidkenu ("the Lord Our Righteousness").

Christ is our all in all, our advocate and our bread, our brother and our comforter, our companion and our counselor, our delight and our desire, our destination and our dwelling place, our example and our expectation, our father and our fellow, our foundation and our friend, our gift and our goal, our God most high and our governor, our grace and our guide, our head and our healer, our heavenly vision and our helper, our hiding place and our hope, our husband and our immortality, our inheritance and our instructor, our intercessor and our joy, our judge and our justification, our kinsman and our redeemer, our leader and our master, our minister and our offering, our Passover and our peace, our preserver and our priest, our prophet and our ransom, our reconciliation and our redemption, our refresher and our refuge, our rest and our righteousness, our ruler and our salvation, our sanctifier and our savior, our servant and our shepherd, our spring of joy and our spring rain, our strength and our strengthener, our teacher and our treasure, our vindication and our wisdom, our yes and our yoke.

Christ is the advocate and the Almighty, the alpha and the omega, the amen and the anchor of our souls, the ancient of days and the angel of God’s presence, the angel of the Lord and the anointed, the answer and the apostle, the apple tree and the ark of the covenant, the arm of the Lord and the atonement, the author of our faith and the authority, the avenger and the axe, the babe and the beloved, the belt of truth and the bishop, the blazing star and the blesser, the branch and the breastplate of righteousness, the bridegroom and the bright morning star, the brightness of God’s glory and the candlestick, the captain and the captor, the carpenter and the child, the church’s head and the comforter, the commander and the consolation, the cornerstone and the creator, the crown and the crucified, the day star and the day spring from on high, the defender and the deliverer, the dew and the divider of nations, the door and the end, the everlasting father and the expressed image of God, the fairest and the faithful true witness, the finisher and the first fruits, the first and the firstborn, the forerunner and the fountain, the friend of sinners and the gatherer, the giver and the glory of Israel, the great good shepherd and the green tree, the headstone and the healer, the heir and the helmet of salvation, the hidden wisdom of God and the holy one, the hope of glory and the horn of salvation, the I Am and the image of God, the incarnate word and the key, the king of the Jews and the lamb of God, the law giver and the light of revelation, the lion of Judah and the Lord, the Lord of glory and the mediator, the Messiah and the morning star, the most high and the mystery of God, the name above all names and the name of salvation, the Nazarene and the new song, the new wine and the ointment, the olive tree and the only begotten son, the overcomer and the pearl, the physician and the pierced, the pioneer and the pleasure of God, the potentate and the power of God, the prince of kings and the prince of life, the prince of peace and the prize, the purifier and the quickening spirit, the rabbi and the reader, the receiver (of honor and glory from God) and the redeemer, the refiner and the repairer, the restorer and the resurrection, the revealed and the rewarder, the righteous branch and the righteous judge, the rod and the root of David, the sacrifice and the sanctifier, the sanctuary and the savior, the scepter and the seed, the seeker and the shade, the shekinah (God’s presence among believers when the word is spoken between them) and the shepherd of our souls, the shield of faith and the Shiloh (the Messiah), the shoes of the gospel of peace and the sign, the son of David and the son of God, the son of man and the son of Mary, the son of the living God and the sovereign, the sower and the spiritual rock, the spoiler (of Satan’s house) and the spring of living water, the standard and the strength of my salvation, the stumbling stone (to Jews) and the sun of righteousness, the sun shining in its strength and the sword of the spirit, the tabernacle and the true vine, the uniter and the upholder, the veil (into the holy of holies) and the vine, the virgin’s son and the voice of God, the water of life and the worker of miracles, the way and the word.

Christ authors and befriends, blesses and comforts, commands and counsels, creates and defends, delivers and gives, graces and guides, heals and instructs, judges and leads, mediates and ministers, overcomes and preserves, prophesies and purifies, redeems and refines, refreshes and reigns, repairs and restores, rewards and rules, sanctifies and saves, seeks and serves, shepherds and strengthens, shows and sows, succors and teaches, unites and works.

Christ loves. Vastly.


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