Ultimate Table Talk

Scripture Reading — John 13:12-17 

“Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.” John 13:17 

Jesus stripped himself of his outer clothing and washed the feet of his disciples. What an amazing act of love and humility! He did what the others should have rushed to do. Once again the Master taught a lesson by example that parents are still trying to teach. It’s a lesson Christians are still learning. We could say it’s a lesson on the problem of “Who’s greater?” 

Whether it’s a relationship of Master and disciples, parents and children, teacher and students, or something else, pride and position shouldn’t be our concern. We should be focusing on how best to do what needs doing without hearing a remark like “That’s not my job!” Jesus tells us that blessings will follow when we do what he clearly demonstrated. 

The conversations at the table that evening must have resonated in the minds of the disciples long after Judas left the room (John 13:30). Jesus’ washing of feet and predicting Peter’s denial and Judas’s betrayal are not typical table talk. This last supper Jesus shared with his disciples is remembered wherever Jesus is honored. 

Christians all over the world come to tables and are united more closely with the Lord and with each other as they “do this” in memory of Jesus (see Luke 22:19). Whether we’re devoted disciples or new believers, we come to his table and are blessed in doing his will. 


Dear Jesus, thank you for lessons learned as we come to your table and share the memory of your sacrifice. Forgive us when we are concerned about the wrong things. Amen. 

Written by: George Vink


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