
There’s an App for That



Whether we own a smart phone or not, we can APP-ly God’s wisdom from the Bible whenever we’re dealing with the tough stuff in life.

It seems like there really is an app for EVERYTHING these days.

Press a button and you can text, talk or activate a helpful application. I’m sure you’ve heard the commercial:  If you want to check snow conditions on the mountain, there’s an app for that. If you want to know how many calories are in your lunch, there’s an app for that. If you want to know where you parked the car, there’s even an app for that.

Well, whether we own a smart phone or not, we can APP-ly God’s wisdom from the Bible whenever we’re dealing with the tough stuff in life.

When I’m finding it hard to get along in relationships, there’s an app for that. When I need help raising my kids, there’s an app for that! When I feel inadequate and insecure, there’s an app for that! You can even download the Bible on one of those fancy phones. Now that’s an app we all can use! 

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