The Road to Financial Security

How blessed is the man who finds wisdom and the man who gains understanding (Proverbs 3:13).

Are you on the road to financial security? Let me suggest a few goals to strive for in seeking personal financial security.

  • You need to know what you make, and if you’re on commission, estimate conservatively what it’ll be.
  • Spend less than you earn. I know it seems obvious, but it is so overlooked that it has to be mentioned.
  • Have a personal or family budget. Budgets help us prioritize and meet our goals.
  • In developing that budget, focus on five major categories:

1. a goal for giving

2. a savings and investments goal

3. an estimated amount for taxes

4. your fixed expenses, such as car, house, groceries, etc.

5. a goal for discretionary expenses, like entertainment, vacation, furniture, clothing, etc.—all good things but things you don’t have to do and can postpone

From where does all this practical insight come? It’s based on principles right out of the Bible. You’ll be amazed that when you look to Scripture, you’ll find the keys to financial security.

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