The Power of Prayer

There is no power over temptation nor victory over sin without spending time with God in prayer. James Montgomery, who was a great man of prayer, wrote, "Prayer is the Christian's vital breath. The Christian's native air; his watchword at the gates of death; he enters heaven with prayer."

Prayer should be our first option rather than the final effort. When trouble approaches, we need to run to God in prayer. If you are weary and feel heavy-laden, take time to pray. When life is joyful, take time to praise God for His goodness through prayer.

Moses prayed, and water flowed from a rock. Joshua prayed, and the sun stood still. Hannah prayed, and God gave her a son. David prayed, and Goliath fell. Elijah prayed, and fire rained down from heaven. Daniel prayed, and God closed the lions' mouths. Jesus prayed, and 5,000 people were fed and satisfied with a little boy's lunch.

When Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, the demons shook with terror. Heaven's boundless power and strength are ours when we pray and align our will with His perfect plan.

Are you discouraged and despondent? Pray. Do you feel defeated by sin? Pray. Does it seem as if your life and personal relationships are falling apart? Your greatest needs can be met through prayer.

God is not challenged by your sin or difficult circumstances. Prayer is the avenue He uses to restore your soul and to prepare you to live the life He has given you. Therefore, pray, knowing that when you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for drawing near to me as I draw near to You in prayer. I pray You will restore my soul and prepare me for the life You have planned for me. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"Come near to God and he will come near to you. . . Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up" (James 4:8, 10).

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