The Peace of Jesus

After a hectic but very successful campaign to the British Isles (five nations in eight days), I am sitting here in the bush with my best friend, Jill, resting and observing God’s beautiful creation. The Master often speaks to me through nature, probably because of my farming roots. The hustle and bustle of that trip overseas contrasted with the peace of God in His beautiful creation is quite startling, to say the least.

Jesus says in John 14:27: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you; not as the World gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

I sat observing a small herd of beautiful impala females coming down to the edge of a pond and drinking ever so quietly and orderly, all in a straight line and not even disturbing the water. No, not even causing a slight ripple in that pond… It was as if Jesus was saying to me, “Don’t muddy the water."

We are Believers in a world which seems to be running mad, where there is little peace and quiet, where everyone seems to be grabbing whatever they can for themselves, where it is a case of survival of the fittest. Just observe folk trying to disembark from a plane all at one time in order to catch their ongoing connection, and you will know what I am getting at.

We need to be different -- and not muddy the waters by our fear of losing out, by our discontent, or by our lack of faith in a God who said, “I will never leave you nor forsake You."

Let our attitude be different to this dying world that seems to be running wild. Let us display that peace which Jesus talks about and bring the love of God into this desperate world.

How much more does Jesus love us than the birds of the air and the animals of the field!

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