The Holy Spirit

Today’s Reading: Luke 11

 Key Verse: Luke 11:13

If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!

We won’t miss anything Jesus does by following Him closely and watching Him carefully. Jesus and the disciples would have often passed by Absalom’s Tomb (also known as “Absalom’s Pillar” 1 Sam. 18:18). We don’t know if they discussed how the prideful Absalom tried to usurp his father David’s throne but Jesus often shared lessons from everyday things. Jesus said, “When He, the Spirit of Truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13). Please read John 16:1-15 and then meditate on our key verse. If we ask for the Holy Spirit and are willing to receive, our Heavenly Father is more than willing to give of the Holy Spirit so that we can be filled now and always. We need to begin to praise God now. Worship Him for His generous Gift of the Holy Spirit Who fills us to overflowing (Acts 2:4, Eph. 3:19, 5:18).  


Heavenly Father, I am willing to receive of the Holy Spirit here and now. You have given the Holy Spirit to indwell me when I first believed in Jesus, and every day I need to be filled. When I imagine an upside down funnel, I think of You pouring into my life more of the Holy Spirit than I have room to hold inside me. Overflow my life, Lord, so that others around me will experience Your Spirit. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen!


David Manuel, one-time editor of Doubleday, Canada, and I collaborated on a book in the ‘70s called “100 Huntley Street.” First published by Logos International in New York, it was re-published in the ‘80s by Thomas Nelson, and in the late ‘90s under the title “100.” It qualified as a Canadian best-seller each time. Cindy Klassen, Olympic gold medalist in speed skating, asked me for a biography of my Dad (I had published his memoirs in the early ‘70s) and I sent her the only copy I could find. Why tell you about this? My story of being filled with the Holy Spirit as a 16-year-old can be found on pages 40 and 41 of the original 1979 publication. If you can find an original copy, I believe you will be blessed by the memories and stories it contains.

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