The God and Father

"For us there is one God, the Father, directly from whom are all things, and we for him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we are through the instrumentality of him."

1 Corinthians 8:6 tells us that the Father has the distinct function of being God. Jesus is divine and the Holy Spirit is divine, but it is the Father who has the ultimate authority within the Trinity. What that means is wonderful. God, who is central to everything, has chosen to be your dad. That is thrilling and exciting. At the heart of everything is a Father's heart.

When you examine the New Testament, the common relationship between God and His people is not that of slave and king, but of a Father and adult children. God the Father has called us into a meaningful relationship, not like babes in a cradle, or toddlers with their dad, but as responsible adults who are in a relationship of delight with Him. This means that He has entrusted us with being partners in what He and His Son are doing in this world. At the beginning of our Christian pilgrimage, we find that hard to believe and impossible to practice, but over time as we have more and more confidence in His love, we more and more confidently serve.

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