The Company We Keep

"Don’t befriend angry people or associate with hot-tempered people, or you will learn to be like them and endanger your soul." Proverbs 22:24-25 (NLT)

After many years of making the mistake of choosing friends who were most popular, drove the fanciest cars, lived in the best neighborhoods, and looked like me, I decided to let God choose my friends. He has proven Himself faithful time and time again to bring just the right people into my life at just the right time.

The friends He picks don’t always fall into the categories of my former shallow criteria. In fact, many of my friends are of varied ages, financial brackets, and familial situations. God has helped me see our differences are of great value in our relationship.

Allowing God to select our friends rather befriending those we wish to choose is as simple as hearing and listening to His prompting. We lay aside what we think we need in a friend and leave ourselves open to being surprised by who God says we need as a friend.

We may be in need of some spiritual sharpening, so He introduces us to someone who knows His Word well. We may be newly married, so God sends a woman who’s been married thirty years and can give us pointers on being an excellent wife. Our new friend may be more outgoing, which encourages us to be more hospitable. Or she may be quieter, which teaches us to listen to others better.

Will you open your heart to the unexpected and trust God to bring the right people into your life at the right time? He will introduce you to people who will encourage your soul rather than endanger it. Come on, let God surprise you!

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