The Best Motherhood Advice

What is the best motherhood advice you ever received?

Here's what these women had to say on the subject:

  • Always be ready with open arms and an open door, just like the prodigal son’s father—even when they are coming home from the pigsty! (Debbie)
  • A friend of mine always asks her kids, “How can I be a better mum?” I’ve started to do that with my girls, and it’s great hearing how each of them feels loved in a different way. (Jill)
  • When your kids grow up and leave your home, you’ll never wish you’d kept a cleaner house. (Angie)
  • Never call your child a bad name; they will live up to it. (Peggy)
  • If you plant good roots, your children will always come back to them. (Mona)
  • Pick your battles carefully. (Victoria)
  • Don’t be ashamed or afraid to ask for help. (Denise)
  • Never let your kids think that only certain things are possible. (Lisa)
  • Be the example you wants your kids to follow. (Joyonna)
  • Take your kids to church no matter how many or how difficult the obstacles!  (Rhonda)
  • Be consistent and always follow through with what you say. (Jennifer)
  • Have a strong and godly marriage in front of your children. They learn so much about honoring the Lord, themselves, and others by watching Mom and Dad. Respect, compromise, and truly love one another on purpose and visibly. (Denise)
  • Don’t be afraid to admit you make mistakes and never be too big to apologize when you are wrong. It teaches humility. (Latoya)
  • Take whatever your child gives you—even if it’s just a weed—and act like it’s the most important thing you’ve ever received. It’s all they have to give, and they chose to give it to you! (Jennifer)
  • Be watchful for when your child opens the window to their soul. Be ready to speak words of encouragement, life, and truth. (Shannon)
  • The crown you place on your child’s head will be the one they grow into. (Beckah)
  • Enjoy every moment. It goes by fast, so don’t miss it wishing things were different.  (Brittany)
  • Always speak life over your children. Say what God says about them! (Tara)
  • Don’t be weird Christian parents! Make sure you have fun with your kids, and they’ll know that living for God is the best! (Louise)
  • You’re always doing better than you think you are. (Jennifer)
  • Show your child the same grace that Jesus shows you everyday. (Maryam)
  • Learn to parent the child you have, not the one in parenting books. (Debbie)
  • Discipline is something we do for our children, not to our children. (Claudia)
  • Remember what seems little to you may be huge to them. (Heather)




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