Thankfulness for the Past

These stones are a permanent memorial for the People of Israel (Joshua 4:7).


  • Appreciation: When something significant happens in in our lives, we have a desire to remember it. It’s the reason we take vacation photos or write letters to loved ones. We want to have something tangible that ties us to our past. Why? Because we want to appreciate what has happened.
  • Communication: That desire to appreciate our past is given to us by God. He wants us to be thankful and thoughtful about what has happened in our lives, because it’s helps us in sharing our story. What do you have today that reminds you of the past and helps you communicate to others in the future?

Take this time to thank God for one thing that He has done in your life. Let Him know that you appreciate the fact that He has blessed you.

To fully understand the memorial mentioned in today’s Scripture and the significance it had for future generations, read Joshua 3-4.

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