Spiritual Healing

Impressed by their bold belief, Jesus said to the paraplegic ‘Son, I forgive your sins.’ Mark 2:5 


When people watch your behavior, many times they aren’t looking at the situation; they really want to see how you respond.

When you read the paralytic’s entire story in Mark, you quickly see that Jesus doesn’t respond as we expect Him. The paralytic is so desperate for the touch of Jesus’ hand that he allows himself to be lowered from a hole in roof into a crowd we would see at a stadium football game. But Jesus’s first move isn’t to heal him physically; He heals him spiritually first.

As you look at your life, do you need to be looking more for healing in the spiritual reality rather than your physical conditions? Which are you bringing more to God? 


Thank God for His guidance in how you respond to situations. Take a minute, talk to Him, and let him formulate your response. 


Write down a recent difficult situation in your life, and your response. Reflecting, is this how God would have you respond?

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