Roll with It

The other day I impressed my son Andrew with my ability to fall and roll.
One minute we were talking about leaving for school and the next minute I was on the floor of our garage looking up at my teenage son who was standing there with his jaw wide open looking at me. Andrew kept asking if I was alright, and then he said "Mom, where did you learn to fall and roll like that? That is what we do in our video games when we're in a battle."  Oh yeah, that was my strategy all along!
Obviously, I have issues and gravity took me to the ground! Actually, I turned to go inside and my ankle didn't agree with my decision or direction so it rolled and the rest of me did too!  But I was okay. We got a great laugh. I got a little sympathy and attention from my son who thinks I’m all modern-warfare cool!
You know, sometimes we just have to laugh at ourselves and roll with it!
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