
Then the LORD said, ‘Rise and appoint him; he is the one.’  And from that day on the Spirit of the LORD came upon David in power.  So Saul said, ‘Send me your son David, who is with the sheep’” 1 Sam 16:12-13, 19.

Can you imagine being the lowest man on the totem pole at work when someone informs you that the CEO wishes to see you?  You have never even met the CEO and cannot imagine what it is that he is going to say.  You go to meet him and he informs you that you are going to be the next president of his company.  He has this formal ceremony before his executive board confirming his appointment of you.  Instead of taking you to your new office, he sends you back to the same little cubicle, working with the same group of people in the same boring job with the same junky computer that only works sometimes.  That is what happened to David when he was a young boy in the fields with the sheep.  He was summoned to appear before Samuel the prophet where he was anointed before others to be king.  After the heightened ceremony we learn he went right back to the job he was doing.  I can’t imagine the thoughts that swirled in his mind.  I would be thinking what on earth just happened and why am I back on this same hill with these same stinky sheep?  But as we all know we are called by God to purpose long before the power to accomplish is present.

God has a particular calling on each of our lives with no exceptions.  Some callings come early in life while others come much later.  Most of the time, our calling comes years before the fulfillment to provide the required preparation.  Just like David, we must trust that God knows what seasons of preparation must occur prior to accomplishing His purpose for our lives.  If He gave us His power before our hearts were ready we can be sure that we would abuse it or misuse it.  It would be like us giving our children a car at the age of 12.  God has a spiritual destiny and divine assignment for each of us, but we must bloom where we are planted to grow into His plan.  If we continue to work 100% of our ability wherever He has ordained, then we will realize the blessings of His anointing over our lives in His perfect timing. 

So rise…you are the one!

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