Real Patience

Key Verse: James 5:8

You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near.

We live in a world where patience is an almost forgotten virtue - we want everything and we want it now! James cautions that in times of trouble and difficulty, we need to exhibit genuine faith which will be patient. Impatience is a sign of spiritual immaturity. Waiting is an opportunity for God to refine us, to mold us and to reveal His good plans for us – in HIS perfect timing.

We have the option to want a quick-fix answer, or to moan and groan about our circumstances, but James says we should adopt an eternal perspective and look toward the return of the Lord Jesus.

The prophet Isaiah tells us in Isaiah 64:4:

Since ancient times no one has heard,
    no ear has perceived,
no eye has seen any God besides you,
    who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.

Rest assured, God is active and moving in our lives – even in the waiting. The Bible doesn’t tell us exactly when the return of the Lord will be, but we are constantly told to watch out for it. Amongst all the uncertainty of life in this world, one thing is certain - Jesus is coming back!

Pray and Respond:

What is it that you are waiting for? Do you find yourself in a state of constant longing? Confess the times when you wanted things to happen on YOUR timeline, and thank Him that His timing is perfect.

Ask God to give you patience and contentment in Him – even when the waiting period seems futile and hard.

Thank Him that he is so worth waiting for, and that one day all of our longings will cease at the coming of Jesus.    

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